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Post Problems 
Please let us know if you have any problem in using the templates.

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Hi Ronda,
I attempted to register to download template number 3 and I kept getting a message saying the URL I put in doesn't exist. I opened another browser window and went to my site and copied and pasted it into your form and got the same message. My email address is the URL I want it for is


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We are looking into the issue. It seems to be a problem that happened in the past week.
Will let you know when it is fixed.. Sorry about this inconvenience

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Thank you for looking into it. I had also had my partner send you an email, she's gotten templates from you before and is very happy with them. I look forward to getting mine. Smile

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Problem is resolved.. Please try again and let me know if you have any issues.
Glad she liked the templates Smile

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Post I need some help please 
I am wondering why when I am in front page working, I am in normal. and the tables on the left side is over lapping the middle one. ITherefore it is hard to see with all the codes over lapping and I am having a hard time working . Please if you could suggest anything, I would appreciate it very much.

Thx Very Happy

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what version of frontpage are you working with?
I know on one template the layer does that a bit, but not on dreamweaver..
We did just uploaded a couple new templates in several colors Smile These should work better.

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Post Hi Rhonda 
Thank you , I am using FrontPage 5.0 Just finding it hard to work in.
I also have signed up for one of your new ones. Great Job
Thank you ! Smile

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I have only tested templates in 2003 version. Some of the templates do have layers. We had some read left column last for seo reasons, this way the bots will read the middle main part of page first.

Just approved all new template requests Smile

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